How can I fix the issues with my rejected listing?

58 views  January 14, 2023

To correct the issues in your rejected listings, please follow these steps:
1- Open your account and go to "Product Catalogue", then proceed to "Product list" where you will find your listing under one of the following:
- "All products": for approved, rejected, and pending products.
- "Approved": for the products that have already been approved.
- "Pending": for the products that are still under review.
- "Rejected": for the products that have not met our upload criteria. To see your rejected products and rejection reasons click on "Download Rejection Reasons" at the top right corner of your product list page.

Or click on each product to view the rejection reasons individually.

2. Read the notes highlighted in red, to see the reasons a product upload was rejected.
3. Ensure you understand what the rejection reasons mean and then make the necessary updates on your product. To understand the rejection reasons further, please visit the Product Listing Help page and review section 2 "Product Approval Criteria."
4. Save the changes you made by clicking on "Send for Review".
5. Your listing will move directly to "Pending status, awaiting review".

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